Sunday, July 27, 2008

Useful (?) Mals?

So I'm taking Rowan to the groomer at Petsmart, and he's prancing down the aisle, tossing head and tail, giving everyone the googly eyes, and they're all throwing themselves at him, as usual ... >sigh< ... he is SUCH a glory hog ...

Anyway, one kid stops us and grabs handfuls of Malafluff (there's a reason we go to the groomer ...) and he yells for his brother and mom to come over. At this point we are blocking the entire center lanes of the store ... the brother tools up in a nifty wheelchair, his eyes light up and he too has to get his Rowan lovin's. Who ruthlessly takes advantage of a captive victim and licks the poor kid up the nose, in the ears and basically all over, to his great delight. Meanwhile, the mother is sighing and rolling her eyes while kid #1 is trying to explain to her that they have to get a Mal to take care of the handicapped kid, pull him around when needed, and basically be their best buddy. I'm trying to explain over the din that a Mal is not a Golden Retriever or a Lab and is a true pain in the a** to train, and is not terribly reliable, when the mom amazes me by saying that she's heard of plenty of Mals being trained as assistance dogs (!!), she just doesn't want the shedding in the house ... a small yappy broke up the traffic jam & I didn't get the name of the org. she was talking about!

Now I've heard of Mallie THERAPY dogs, and have talked to a few wheelchair-bound Mal-people who just happen to be Mal-lovers, but don't count on their Mals for formal assistance. But does anyone know who is training Mallies specifically to assist the disabled?

I've always thought it was a great idea, esp. in a family setting where training could be reinforced & there is backup, etc., but Sherry at Texas Hearing & Service Dogs has always said Mals were too difficult ... What a great thing it would be for Mallie rescue!

Needless to say, Rowan enjoyed his bath & comb-out immensely, as he got loved on by all, and I really appreciate having someone else clip those iron claws ...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Lucky Hat?

Overheard at the bookstore:

"That hat must be unlucky. We never used to have these kinds of problems before you got that hat."

NEWS: Souring economy puts the bite on pet owners

NEWS: Souring economy puts the bite on pet owners
Demand spikes at pet food banks, discount vets
Some pantries see 50 percent increase in need for free dog, cat food

Response to newsvine:

This article made me even more frustrated about the shove-'em-out the door tactics of some shelters/rescues, such as "free kitten month," and the adoption craze in the media.

It's great that the media and celebrities are getting behind the pet adoption movement, but since it isn't very homogenous, the terms can get confused, and a puppy miller or thief can easily pass themselves off as a "shelter" or "adoption center" -- there's a pretty fine line with some of the groups that "adopt" at Petsmart, e.g., already, and Petland's puppies and kittens are straight from the horrors of the mills. How is the consumer to know?

TV shows often say, "this cute puppy/kitten is up for adoption, call now," without further info, giving an unfortunate impression. Potential adopters often don't know what to look for, and buzz words like "rehoming" and "adoption" can easily mask unscrupulous behavior. I know Mike and Juliet (, for example, mean well when touting adorable pets to adopt/give away FOR FREE!! However, these tactics send exactly the wrong message: pets are cheap, throwaway commodities; if you don't like this one, well, you can always pop down to the shelter for a replacement. ... instead of emphasizing that pets are a lifelong commitment, expensive, unpredictable, and requiring patience and work. The media don't educate the public that a reputable rescue or shelter will meet at least these minimum standards:
1) no "impulse" adoptions on-site or before an in-depth application is processed;
2) no adoptions before home check and vet check, and require a landlord letter;
3) mandatory spay/neuter, vaccinations & registration, microchip in rescue/shelter's name;
4) either adoption counseling, an adoption video, training, certificate for training, or some other retention behavior.
The adoption process should be onerous, invasive, difficult, and expensive -- just like when adopting a child. The level of commitment should be the same.

In Big Dog rescue, our foremost problems at this point are returns, dogs just being set loose, the particularly horrible shape dogs are in when they do come into rescue, and counseling folks who are in the situation of the people in this article, servicepeople being deployed, etc.. Vet bills for big dogs can often be monstrous -- flea and heartworm prevention seem anecdotally to be the first things to be dropped, which lead to much greater expenses and pain later. My neighbors find the cost prohibitive. None of their dogs are vaccinated and few are spayed/neutered, either; it's not that easy to get to a low-cost clinic.

Low-cost vax, flea/heartworm & microchip clinics brought right into the poorer neighborhoods, along with education, would be a fantastic use of Pedigree's and the ASPCA's Project Orange money, methinks ... and contribute greatly to retention. Large-scale availability of good pet food at the food banks would be great, too, and nice corporate write-offs... Low-cost training meet-ups in the neighborhoods would also be wonderful. That kind of follow-up and long-term back-up would do so much more to create a truly pet-friendly environment than the current fire-sale attitude, iffy screening procedures and basic lack of commitment that just lead to pets bouncing back into rescue or onto the street, older and less adoptable.

IMHO, of course ...

Monday, June 09, 2008

Heartworm infestations

N. writes: >My only concern is that ... heartworm
infestation of a dog sounds like an almost impossibly unlikely event
even during periods of sustained warm temps.<

Well, down here in Texas, whenever a dog comes into rescue, the first thing we test for is heartworms -- you can just about assume that a dog that's been out and about, no matter the weather, is going to be infested, some of them just horribly. Way too few people know or care about protecting their dogs (and outdoor cats). Even when we get a good freeze, you can bet that, when the next warm day comes around, we'll be plagued by skeeters again. There are just too many hidey-holes for them to be killed off. The times I've spent in upstate NY, I didn't notice any marked lack of skeeters either, despite the harsh winters ... Heartworm treatment often just has to be part of the foster/rescue process, and one of the reasons we work so hard to raise money ... believe me, prevention is a lot cheaper, and a LOT less hard on the dog!
My depreciated $.02 ...

This Economy & Pets: Demand spikes at pet food banks, discount vets
Demand spikes at pet food banks, discount vets
Some pantries see 50 percent increase in need for free dog, cat food
The Associated Press updated 3:18 p.m. CT, Mon., June. 2, 2008

FRANKLIN, Mass. - Diana Bardsley wiped tears from her eyes as she recalled taking food off her plate to feed her beloved spaniel Hunter and two Siamese cats.
Her greatest fear: that she could be forced to surrender the animals as she struggled to stretch her food stamps and Social Security income to meet the escalating cost of living.
Some hope was restored after she visited a local food pantry, which has started offering free pet food to help owners keep their animals out of shelters.
"I know a lot of people will probably say, 'Well, if you don't have enough money to be able to feed your animals, that you shouldn't have pets,''' said Bardsley, 53, of Franklin, as Hunter played in the living room with three of her grandchildren.
But, "Just because financially you may go downhill a little or a lot, doesn't necessarily mean you have to give up the part of your family that you love,'' she said.
For some pet owners, though, there is little choice.
The rising costs of fuel, food and housing — and the rising tide of foreclosures — have generated a surge in requests for pet food from traditional food pantries and prompted some pet owners to give up their animals. Others are trying to save money by forgoing veterinary care.

>snip< -- read complete article at

© 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Saturday, June 07, 2008

ALERT: New scam 'adopters'

Post to austinrescue:
Just received this info from an affiliated rescue in San Antonio --
very disturbing that this is going on under our noses! We try so hard
to screen, but sometimes the baddies do slip through the cracks.
Importance of microchipping!!

"These people adopted a dog from us and turned around and "rehomed"
it for more money...they seem very great, nice house/ family but as
always looks can be decieving... how did we find out? the new adopter
found our name in the microchip and called us... I called to confront
the adopter and she claimed that the dog was too hyper for their
family. They had only had the dog for three days!"

Permission to pass on to other rescue groups in Texas area. We don't
know if these people target only Northern breeds, or much else about

Editorial comment: it's great that the media and celebrities are
getting behind the pet adoption movement, but since it isn't very
homogeneous, people easily get confused, and a puppy miller or thief
can easily pass themselves off as a shelter or adoption center --
there's a pretty fine line with some of the groups that "adopt" at
Petsmart, for example, already. TV shows often say, "this cute
puppy/kitten is up for adoption, call now," without further info,
giving an unfortunate impression. Potential adopters often don't know
what to look for, and buzz words like "rehoming" and "adoption" can
easily mask unscrupulous behavior.

Perhaps recourse to the media might help clarify? If rescues &
shelters were to agree on a certain minimum level of standards such
- no "impulse" adoptions on-site or before an application is processed
- no adoptions before home check and vet check, landlord letter
- mandatory s/n, vax & registration, chip in rescue's/shelter's name
- either adoption counseling, watch adoption video, training,
certificate for training, or some other retention behavior
- ??

Maybe couched as a cute acronym or something? Then potential adopters
would be able to identify a non-legitimate "rescue" more easily.

Just my $.02 ...

Thursday, June 05, 2008

How to photograph a Malamute

We all know that our dogs are the most beautiful in the world. Then why is it so hard to get a good picture?? I have more shots of Mallie rear ends or of a Mallie tongue licking the lens than I know what to do with ...

Here is a variation on the professional photographer's advice on how to photograph a puppy -- adjusted for Mallies!


*Have Mallie professionally groomed.
*Take out second mortgage on home.
*Remove memory chip from plastic and insert in camera.
*Stanch blood flow from plastic packaging and call carpet cleaning service.
*Remove packaging material from Mallie's mouth and throw in trash.
*Remove Mallie from trash and brush coffee grounds from front end.
*Discover that Vetrap works well on wrist sprained removing bone from Mallie's mouth.
*Discover that your battery is low and postpone shoot.
>recharge battery and self-confidence<
*Successfully pull battery charger back out of Mallie's esophagus.
*Choose a suitable background for photo.
*Discard suitable background after Mallie lifts leg on it. Call carpet cleaning service again.
*Mount camera on tripod and focus.
*Find Mallie and take dirty sock from mouth.
*Re-groom Mallie to remove random tufts of undercoat suddenly sprouting everywhere.
*Place Mallie in pre-focused spot, say "Mallie, STAY" in a commanding voice and return to camera.
*Attempt to persuade Mallie to display other than rear end to camera.
*Sprint after escaping Mallie and beg to return.
*Place Mallie using barbecue chicken, the neighborhood kids, and industrial-strength tie-downs.
*Call kids' parents to apologize, offer to pay hospital bills.
*Set focus while fending off Mallie's friendly advances.
*Remove tripod from between Mallie's teeth.
*Get tissue and clean nose prints from lens.
*Get towel and remove Mallie tongue slime.
*Threaten spouse with violence for laughing.
*Put cat outside and put peroxide on the scratches on Mallie's nose.
*Put magazines back on coffee table. Discard shattered antiques.
*Promise to buy spouse a new TV.
*Try to get Mallie's attention by squeaking toy over your head.
*Duct-tape your glasses and check camera for damage.
*Jump up in time to grab Mallie and say, "No, outside! No, outside!"
*Call carpet cleaning service again.
*Fix a drink.
*Sit back in Lazy Boy with drink, pop in a DVD of "White Fang" (the TV show) and resolve to teach Mallie "sit" and "stay."

Monday, June 02, 2008

Bathing Mallies


one word -- Groomer!

I truck my stinkers down to the Petsmart groomer every time they get up close and personal with something ever so dead, petrochemicals under the car, or the local insect population. Rowan also specializes in: in-coat algae growth after pond swims, and a world-class briar collection.

The back of the car is lined with one of those rubber-based out-door carpet rugs that can just be hosed down. The Baaaad Boys, of course, compete in overmarking against the back door -- still looking for enzyme? or other cleaner that will deodorize without melting the plastic. Everyone at the groomer comes out to woooo at the husky (sic), and their favorite guy saves the clouds of undercoat to show me proudly... It's a fun outing for the pups, and saves my aching back! Well worth the $$!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Lady Mals

Oh, D., your mail made me cry! Your gal sounds so special and wonderful! I'm sure you miss her terribly ...

My darling Guerillera Alexandria (Allie) died at 13 last fall. She was in kidney failure and on a home-cooked diet and subq fluids for 2.5 years. I got her from TAMR when she was ca. 6, so I was owned by her for a horribly short time! But I would not have survived her puppyhood (although she must have been irresistibly cute).

Allie was a true alpha and a true Mal bitch. Not only was she a mighty huntress, but she was also WAY more intelligent than me and all the other critters put together. She and my Ridgeback started out as best buds, but after I took in Ghost (a rescue with serious emotional issues), the girls started trying to kill each other. Allie adopted Ghost and helped him get over a lot of his panics -- lots of tough love ... She got along with my big red Rowan, who also came from a horrible situation and is chondrodysplastic. She did make friends with the cats -- let them swat her tail, and if she could corner one, she would give it a thorough sliming with the long Mallie tongue.

We did lots of obedience together (essential! she was unquestionably the Queen of the Universe ...), an agility course, where she was quite creative ;-), and performed on a drill team. She was always perfect in rehearsal, but in performance, would get that gleam in her eye and pull off some outrageous stunt ... Given half a chance, she could clear a countertop or empty the fridge in seconds flat. Her judgment of humans was always spot-on, and she wasn't subtle about it ;-).

Ms Allie basically got me to cater to her every whim and very much enjoyed being a "stealth" hellraiser for the short time that she had me. I miss her every day. I now have another wonderful Mallie lady, Miss Congeniality, and love her to pieces, but she doesn't have that mischievous sparkle, that "go ahead, get into bed, see what I've left between the sheets" look (disgusting bones, usually). I could very easily imagine why her owners gave Allie up for adoption -- she was quite the handful, but I adored and miss that about her.

Thank you for letting me vent! ;-)
We must find you another wonderful Mal bitch. I'll keep my ears to the ground and see if I hear about one.


Re: "I actually prefer a female – I have had both males and females and I really prefer the females – especially the ones that are alpha. The last one we had was so remarkable – she was a shelter dog from Fort Worth that a friend found for us – it later turned out that she was an escaped show dog but the lady no longer was interested in getting her back since she had been spayed. From the beginning we knew she was special because she loved being brushed – even her tail. She was 16 when she passed away – the oldest one I have ever had. ..."

Monday, May 05, 2008

Austin: Perception Modification Workshop

Post to TxMals:
Hi, C.

Re: "aversives" -- is that like spraying bitter apple on a table leg to indicate Don't Chew Here? or is that like a collar pop correction? or more like me bellowing "No! Go Home!" to the pesky off-leash chih-rat-min-terrier that's making a beeline for Missy's belly? Hmm, I bet pepper spray would be an "aversive" ;-) ...

I get confused by the terminology, because normally you hear "negative feedback" and that means pop the collar or raise your eyebrow at him. But in operant conditioning, if I remember correctly, negative feedback means do absolutely nothing. So "aversive" would mean do something actively unpleasant, like punishment?

The Classicist in me notes: Latin aversus (adj) from avertere, to turn away ;-)


Re: Fw: For those of you who feed Nutro...

Hey, W.

Smooches to Sam!

I feed Natural Balance Fish and Sweet Potato, and the Malefactors seem to be doing well on it. But I noticed that my local Sun Harvest (aka Wild Oats aka Whole Foods) carries a pet food brand that specifically advertises being by-product-free. I bought some for my cats and they just inhale it. It's damn pricey, tho.

A colleague whose dog has every malady & allergy on earth has resorted to feeding Honest Kitchen, kind of dehydrated BARF, everything non-GMO & human-grade, etc., and you can add anything you want. Again, freakin' expensive.

My former and most trusted vet had nothing good to say about Science Diet (Hills), but if Sam's happy, everybody's happy ;-)

http://www.consumer news04/2008/ 04/pet_food_recalls93. html

speaking of training ...


... and peeing -- here's a conundrum for those who own male Mals with the quick-to-lift leg:

Mr Rowan "solid-concrete-between-the-ears" the Red was neutered at an advanced age; in his previous life, he had been penned up for days on end and had apparently become used to soiling his space. Anyway, he's quite passionate about overmarking ANY traces of another dog, esp. any other male ...

Well, we go to McKinney Falls every weekend, and ever since we gave our friend's dog a lift a few weeks ago, Mr R has been systematically trying to fill the back of the RAV 4 to the brim with pee. I'm zooming after him with the various anti-pet-odor enzymatic cleaners, but he doesn't give a rat's behind -- he's on a mission!! And once he's peed in one place, of course, that's his designated pee-spot from then on.

Note: this dog gets by on his spectacular looks, not his brains ...

So what does one do in this situation? Sell the car to someone with a cold?? ;-) buy him Depends??

Thanks for any advice!

Aversives and Peeing

Re: "The terms can be confusing! An aversive is something that causes something unpleasant to happen that the dog does not like. Some aversives are worse than others. I have NO problem with spraying Bitter Apple on things to make them taste bad. It's the only reason I have any shoes left, since Akiak came to my house two years ago. I am such a bad housekeeper and seem to have a learning block about putting my shoes up...and getting them chewed up hasn't been sufficiently aversive to me that I learned from my mistakes!"

Dear C.

Hah! You should see my house! I moved in July and the vast majority of my stuff is still in boxes! (except the vast array of dog toys, of course -- most of those have been in & out of the washer, &/or eaten by Rowan ...) But I did finally buy and assemble an awesome shoe cabinet for the hallway from IKEA ... My aversive is The Magnificent "Stinker" Ghost, who has a penchant for peeing in shoes ... very effective! He's quite the little people-trainer!!

And I used to think it was only cats who peed in shoes ;-) ...

I highly recommend, esp for those who walk barefoot in the house, Sandnes shoe cabinet,
The same thing in plastic, Trones, is only $39
4 compartments - says it holds 12 pair, but I have a lot of sandals & flats, and have over 20 pair in it ;-)
It's high enough for the roomba to sweep under it -- a must in the messy Mallie household ;-)

More re: Fw: For those of you who feed Nutro...

Re: Well Connie, your vet is only the 2nd vet I have known who
didn't try to push Science Diet down your throat. I currently
feed my rescues that are in bad shape on Science diet puppy,
and they do well on it, but I will not feed Science diet adult.
It stinks, the poop stinks, the dogs bodies stink, the storage
area stinks, and the dogs never get good poops. I am using
the Science Diet puppy because my rescue group gets it at
a special price. My dogs that are in good shape eat Pedigree
and they are doing very well on it.

Hi, F.,

Well, she was pushing Wellness and did get me to sign up for mail-order Omega-3s ;-), so it wasn't entirely altruistic. But she had a good understanding of northern breeds, and gave me the tip with zinc for Ghost's skin.

B. used to feed Pedigree's Pro Plan Sensitive Skin & Stomach salmon formula, I think? I've fed it too and find it perfectly fine, although it goes rancid pretty quickly - has to be stored cold, which the Petco doesn't. And my garbage-disposal Rowan will occasionally get Costco's Kirkland store brand if I'm totally broke ;-). That's what the cats normally get; Consumer Reports liked it a lot, and my vet says it's better than most. Rowan prefers to eat plastic and rubber anyway ;-). His latest favorite on our walks in McKinney Falls: poison ivy! Yummy!

What a guy ...
Please kiss my darling Waco for me

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Malamute puppies

Post to TxMals:

Hi, E.
How lovely that you're going to invite a new pup into your life!
Others on the list with experience in breeding & puppies will be able to give much better advice. I'm just in rescue and don't know anything about breeders (except for the sad end of things when dogs come into rescue), but my advice would be to:
1) absolutely go visit the home and observe how the people and dogs interact, their condition, etc. Of course you know to run screaming from anything like cough, splayed feet, gunky eyes/nose, tapes, fleas, etc., but just as important are how the pups and the parents are socialized.
2) absolutely insist on vet clearances for hips and eyes for the parents, at least. Do Sibes have thyroid? Heartworm, vax record, any other vet issues, and vet phone #. Then call the vet for a good long chat.
3) Re: description: there's nothing wrong with a mix/mutt/all-American, but if you get the feeling that this breeder is completely clueless and/or dishonest, beware.
4) Houston is sadly one of the areas in Texas where unscrupulous backyard breeders are selling adorable Mally puppies that turn out to have horrible hip dysplasia, chondrodysplasia, early glaucoma, thyroid, bad temperaments, and more. The gene pool is thoroughly muddy :-(.
If it were me looking for a puppy, I'd either: a) go to a highly recommended and thoroughly reputable breeder and pay the big bucks, or b) go to rescue. So far, I've been delighted with all my Mallies from rescue. (okay, the boys are baaaaaaad, but that's part of their charm ;-)).
I esp recommend a lady Mallie from rescue, preferably one a couple of years old. She will be way too intelligent, but will fill your heart with joy and keep you on your toes ...

Let us know what you decide!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Puppy Mills on Oprah

Investigating Puppy Mills:

Some good material here -- hope people read it!!

Awfully depressing to know that there are Mal breeders just like that here in TX ... hip dysplasia, chondrodysplasia, early blindness, hypothyroidism -- the problems that plague our Mallies are genetic, and only extremely careful and conscientious breeding will eradicate them ...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Vote for Missy!

Hey, Malbuddies, today is the last day to cast your vote for my
gorgeous Miss Congeniality! Remember, the prize is a Bissell pet
hair eraser ... Missy was owner-surrendered because of her excessive
shedding ... you do the math ;-) !!!

Speaking of which, I took Missy to Petsmart for a desperately needed
grooming on Sunday. (I have several blown discs plus currently a
lovely case of the flu, and know when to cry Uncle!). We were half
an hour late for the appt because of her walk of fame from the car to
the back of the store. What a total ham! Batting her big brown eyes
at every child in the place, who all threw themselves on her. 2 had
their pictures taken with her, I kid you not -- this is with a dog
who is ejecting large clouds and clumps of undercoat every time she
moves. Of course the "aww, adorable" reflex is triggered in every
adult in the place, too -- esp. those wearing black pants. Corinne,
you are obviously right -- this gal was a show dog at some point.
Here she is, stacking herself in the middle of Petsmart like there's
no tomorrow, surrounded by gently floating drifts of fluff and
adoring throngs with camera phones. It's ridiculous ;-).

When I come to pick her up, the grooming gals are rolling on the
floor laughing. Missy talked the entire time she was there -- and
she has a nice basso profundo voice. Her average "woo" sounds like a
ravening grizzly bear offering to take your arm off at the shoulder.
When she really wants something, windows rattle. Apparently there
was a handsome Sibe boy there, with glacial blue eyes -- Missy and he
made googly eyes at each other the whole time and kept the place in

Of course Missy makes sure to say hi to everyone in the store on the
way back to the car, flashing eyes right and left, prancing high,
plumy tail all fluffed out and waving -- she's a sight to behold.
When we get home, she pops out of the car, trailing behind her -- you
guessed it -- clouds and clumps of undercoat. >sigh< Maybe I can get
her used to the idea of being Shop-Vacced, like the late, great Allie did.

Best to all Malafluffers

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Heartworm infestations

N. writes: >My only concern is that after reading it, heartworm
infestation of a dog sounds like an almost impossibly unlikely event
even during periods of sustained warm temps.<

Well, down here in Texas, whenever a dog comes into rescue, the first thing we test for is heartworms -- you can just about assume that a dog that's been out and about, no matter the weather, is going to be infested, some of them just horribly. Way too few people know or care about protecting their dogs (and outdoor cats). Even when we get a good freeze, you can bet that, when the next warm day comes around, we'll be plagued by skeeters again. There are just too many hidey-holes for them to be killed off. The times I've spent in upstate NY, I didn't notice any marked lack of skeeters either, despite the harsh winters ... Heartworm treatment often just has to be part of the foster/rescue process, and one of the reasons we work so hard to raise money ... believe me, prevention is a lot cheaper, and a LOT less hard on the dog!
My depreciated $.02 ...

Thursday, January 03, 2008

"furry buzzsaws"

F. writes:

"Face it. What we have are "furry buzzsaws." The answer is to try and
anticipate items that may be destroyed and protect them. This
generally means crating unsupervised house dogs until you know
(or think you know) the dog is truly house safe."

LOL! Who would anticipate that Mr Rowan would be so taken with my fuzzy leopard-print slipper that he would pull it into his crate, totally mangling it in the process?? My dogs aren't even CRATE-safe!

Both boys have discovered that they can drive me completely batty by rearing up and "digging" at the storm door from the back yard. With Ghost, that includes ripping up the siding and wood and concrete step. I inevitably capitulate and let the miscreant in. Putting Ghost in the pen in the yard results only in huge holes in the chain-link. Yummy delicious!

Miss Congeniality is much more civilized -- when she wants in, she sits outside the window nearest me and "howls." Since her howl sounds like a grizzly bear about to disembowel its prey, she can be pretty persuasive.

She has turned out to be an enthusiastic counter-surfer, but has not yet joined Ghost or the cats at the top of the refrigerator. Her specialty is more subtle - hypnotizing me with her soft, angelic eyes to leave a full plate unattended for just a quick moment ...

Never a dull moment!