Sunday, July 24, 2005


Subqs are still a real trial -- Allie keeps rolling onto my hand with the needle and pulling it out (in the nicest possible way, but an 80# dog can be pretty firm!)

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Allie update / Neufchatel cheese

To K9KidneyDiet:
Allie has actually eaten of her own free will yesterday and today. I started her off by hand, but she finished up out of the bowl!! Even had a couple of cans of k/d, but for some reason I just feel more confident about the Chicken / Egg Whites / Gl Rice / Veg meals I've been cooking her, poor soul. Her tummy feels better since she's been getting pepcid ac (cvs pharmacy generic) and acidophilus yoghurt. No vomit in 3 days. She is perkier and has lost that dreadful listless gray look.
We've settled into a rhythm of 250 ml saline at lunch and 250 ml at dinner -- that's about all she'll sit/lie/roll around 'still' for. I know a big dog should get more, but at least we're getting this much, and can try to sneak in more as she gets used to it. We also have a 22cc syringe and we have Marx-bros moments with me introducing water into her mouth and she dribbling it out the other side. Or maybe she's Lucy, she's red-haired and has the attitude, bless her.
Her supplements are currently: Omega complex, Vit E + fish body oil, Vit B12, Glucosamine, MSM, Calcium citrate. Today we add coQ10. She also gets digestive enzyme powder plus probiotics. Amounts of these depend on how much of her food she will eat as they are mixed in.
Today Allie is a whole new dog! Thanks to the great advice and support on this list, we have seen real improvement and have enjoyed two good "up" days, and are prepared for the "downs."
Query: I'm giving her abx and pepcid wrapped in Neufchatel cheese -- it says it's just lowfat cream cheese, but according to NATS the phos is 40 and Na 120 with fat 16g / 1oz, while cream cheese is phos 20, Na 90 and fat 10. Does anyone know where Neufchatel cheese gets its rep as particularly healthy?
Also query: why do cats get Lactated Ringer solution and dogs get .9% saline, or is it just Allie?
Thank you all, and a happy Sunday
C and a sparkly Allie

Replies: Fat-free cream-cheese is better, and it's just Allie. It's a matter of electrolytes; blood test values determine which fluids to use

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Which needles?

These are Terumos. I only got 250 into her of the prescribed 500, but did 500 this morning and plan to do another tonight. We no longer have a sense of time. I can certainly hang the bag up higher, but then I can't both squeeze it and keep her in check.
She is really doing poorly -- threw up a little this morning, just stomach fluid, but still worrisome. Malamutes usually have cast-iron stomachs. Hate to think she can't handle the Baytril. The vet says to take with food, the web site says take an hour before food, and Allie says "I'm not eating anyway." She ate k/d at the vet's, but adamantly refuses at home. She had diarrhea for a day after the ivs, vet said normal, I'm not thrilled. She's lethargic and won't even chase the cats. >Sigh.<

Monday, July 04, 2005

Fluids in!

HUGE relief! Finally able to get a decent amount of fluids into my girl!!! Beginning to feel like I have a purpose in life after all!

Response to K9KidneyDiet:

Thank you, L! We found a "tent" space on the rear/side of the neck and just used that -- scares me to death, but I'm careful. Yes, always fresh and slant side up. She is a very good girl, just really hates the procedure and tries to rub the needle off by turning on her back - so I'm trying to wrangle an 85# dog and stabilize the needle, squeeze the bag, etc. You're right, I am going to get bigger needles, these little ones are flimsy and slow. There may also be some scar tissue -- she's a rescue. She seems better now with some fluids in her -- I didn't realize how fragile she'd still be after the ivs, but her crea is still above 3. It's just starting to sink in what a day to day struggle this is going to be ...

Thank you so much for your help!

Feeling like a fumbling idiot

Sent home in shaking terror with a bag of saline and a handful of needles. Set up at home and now can't do what the vet tech showed me! The needle won't go in! except into my fingers ... So I'm trembling and howling and dripping and bleeding all over my poor Malamute, who is refraining from snapping at me, the amazing queen.
Sent this to the angels at K9KidneyDiet: Okay, I'm biting the bullet and trying to give my beloved Allie her loathed subQs. She has been home for a day and a half after her iv fluids. She must be pretty dehydrated, because her skin is like leather, and I'm having trouble getting the needle in! I feel like I'm torturing my girl! It's only an 18 gauge, which is small and slow-drip for a Malamute, and I'm trying to go fast, but it's really tough. Is there any place better than the shoulder where the skin might not be so leathery where I could get her hydrated a bit?

Dog, I feel like a horrible mother!
for Allie, who is being a gentle giant