Wednesday, December 19, 2007

im so madd!!!

i don yus this thing so don spel gud k butt gotta warn yu mals haw meen humoms ken bee im so madd!!

so im kumin in the back dor i amost got it tor dawn gimmee nother weak an mis pris missee is krawdin me an im grawlin gud wen wat du i sea rayt insayd the dor heer kumz that gost eers up an tayl out -- well i grab m gud n we start in diskussin -- that humom jes keepz gitin in the way sheez skrychin an yallin i ken hardly kontsentrayt she trys to shuv me in a krayt to seppurayt us so k, i go in n tayk gost wimme 2 mals in liddel krayt yu bett i gut m wear i wann m. duz humom tayk a hyk lyk she shud hah no she grabbz me by my beeootifl tayl an pulz me awt uv the krayt!! by the tayl!! an shutts the krayt dor on me n gosts fayssus i nevur bin so madd in my hoal lyf yu bett im gonna git nuthr chants n git bak at that gost

watz mis pris duin wyz she knot halpin byt humom in tayl area nu'uh that pris mis is hydin in uthr krayt im so didzgudstud

rowan the redd

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Ghost, recovered

The Magnificent Ghost has fully recovered from his surgery to remove a large lump or mass from his leg. It turned out to be a hamartoma -- benign, non-cancerous growth -- but there is a good chance that it will recur. He had problems with the e-collar - it scraped open his sutures on both his dewclaws until I removed it. Not all of his stitches have completely dissolved -- I can still feel them under the skin, and he sometimes worries at them, but he's being astoundingly good about letting the wounds heal.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Talking Mals

My Mallies have all been pretty quiet -- well, my "muppy" (love that word!!) Ghost likes to make his feelings known when t'd off, but otherwise they're pretty silent. But yesterday I took Miss Congeniality (Missy) to the vet for the first time. Well, no sooner did we walk in the door than she locked eyes with the most adorable little fluffy Malapuppy. Back went her head and she set in to howling like a wolf. We ended up waiting for several hours -- typical on a sunday, I guess -- and she didn't so much as take a breather. And this lass doesn't have a lovely coloratura howl like my Rowan, who sings in tune with the sirens. Oh no, Missy roars from the diaphragm -- she sounds like she's growling out of deepest hatred and imminent intention to eat everyone in sight. Of course she's waving her plumy tail and smiling irresistibly at the same time, but it can be pretty disconcerting. The poor sick kitties were not pleased. However, the little puppy tried a couple of squeaky little howls too. Adorable! I'm still trying to figure out how to get the little movie out of my camera...

I'm trying to start up a Bitches Hall of Fame (a name to be worn proudly) -- collect most outrageous deeds of our highly talented lady queens, together with pictures, and make a "feature" on Texas Malamutes Do enter your ladies if you like!