Alexandria, my heart Malamute, taught me a lot about living in the moment. -- Miss Congeniality (Missy) is now living aloha in Hawai'i. -- Let it be a dog's life ...
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A car, obvious rental, comes creeping around the steep cliff -- this time humom thinks it might be amusing to live vertically, hanging over the ocean with the north shore surf pounding below, no thanks says the Malamute -- and the people make the usual cooing Isn't she cute noises. Humom is slightly embarrassed until the lady in the car says, "We have a Malamute too!" Ears up, nose in the wind -- where?? But no, their Mallie is back home in Bellingham. But of course they, too, would be photographing him in the beautiful Maui landscape.
So aloha and woos to unknown Mallie in Bellingham, no doubt a special doggie day care full of happy Mallies and their prey back on the mainland. --- Missy out
Monday, January 07, 2013
Roughing it at my Auntie Shel and Uncle Clay's is really very rough, as you can see. I have to sleep in a tent -- poor little delicate Malamute me, what with my fur coat and all -- on a King-size bed!! The thing about this tent is, it's inside the house! I know, right?
So you and I know it gets cold at night up here in the Maui upcountry -- like MAYBE in the 50s -- and it's totally windy. Which gives me a fabulously fluffy coat. And might possibly call for a tent or doghouse on rainy nights, thank you very much, now that I'm never you mind how old. But a tent in a house? Naturally, humom informs me that this invention is for the benefit of humans, not of Mallies. Well, duhr. It's because sometime geckoes and other little friends tend to leap down from the beams and into the female hair below. Apparently, there are those among Auntie Shel's guests who object to this. I would not have thought it. Excellent entertainment, ladies!

After such a sluggish night, a Mallie needs to stretch her legs running warp-speed up and down the road just outside the gate. Too quickly for the camera to capture!! Then inside for a refreshing snooze. --- Missy out
Saturday, January 05, 2013
Sometimes I worry ...

Anywoo, humom was a little silly about rainbows on Oahu, but let's face it, that's pretty much what there was to enjoy, so whatever. A decent neon rainbow over the brutalist buildings -- nice contrast. But since we've been back on Maui -- pause for Halleluiah chorus - she's become a menace. We wake up and she springs to the window. Yodels "rainbow!" Well, duhr. Kula to Makawao sweeping over to Maui Meadows -- somewhere there's going to be a rainbow. Every day. Backflips not required.

So we drive into Town, which requires something called a Costco card. Explain to me, please, why the human approach to hills is to ascend/descend in the most circuitous and bumpy manner possible? The intelligent person of the canine persuasion susses out the most convenient and direct route and simply heads up- or down-hill, with a merry view-halloo, or silently if Mallie. None of us would subject her best friend to a nauseating, bone-shaking, serpentine torture ride. Esp. while hanging out the window at [insert # per hour that will not attract MPD] at an angle not in the direction of travel, trying to photograph a rainbow with the music app and cursing the iPhone in several languages. News flash: the iPhone camera does not like rainbows, learn the lesson already.
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