Yes, I know, your house/apt is fully decorated just by the presence of a beautiful Malamute ;-) -- but on days like today, when the yard is one big mud puddle and the floor covered with huge, if cute footprints, one's thoughts turn to questions of decor. Here's a pretty interesting site on Malamute Decor: Decorating for Dogs in your Life:
Has anyone seen those wooden crates they sell in, like, Sky Mall mag? I'd like to surround our wire crates with wood corner pieces, a wood base and top (table!), and some partial side cladding. Has anyone done this, or know how ;-)?
Also, does anyone have a nice pattern to crochet or sew a toy Malamute? This is for a fundraiser.
Thank you!
Alexandria, my heart Malamute, taught me a lot about living in the moment. -- Miss Congeniality (Missy) is now living aloha in Hawai'i. -- Let it be a dog's life ...
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Breed ID? (Puppy cuteness warning!)
Clearly a clever animatronic.
If you watch the first video,, note that the owner is able to give the little toy a bath without losing any limbs, skin, or vital parts.
To add insult to (non-)injury, the robot does not inflict a proper crocodile bite when taunted with food, and it just sits there when dressed up with a satanic headdress.
Now really. Even a practically immobile wooly Mallie puppy will raise holy hell when trifled with to this extent; it doesn't take a red-blooded Texas Mal like my two to extract a few pounds of flesh.
And where are the vocalizations?? There should be a veritable cadenza of howls, growls, yowls, yelps, arpeggios, scales and other vocal exercises expressing this little fella's opinions. Clear evidence that the technology has yet to develop the distinctive Northern breed voice -- or perhaps the inventors felt that non-howling roboMals would be less annoying? Hah! Nothing is cuter than
Perhaps this animatronic is from the same factory as ... ? EZKareMalsRUs?
Re: Michael writes:
This sure looks like a malamute to me, but can anyone please confirm?
BEWARE! Cute puppy video behind link.
If you watch the first video,, note that the owner is able to give the little toy a bath without losing any limbs, skin, or vital parts.
To add insult to (non-)injury, the robot does not inflict a proper crocodile bite when taunted with food, and it just sits there when dressed up with a satanic headdress.
Now really. Even a practically immobile wooly Mallie puppy will raise holy hell when trifled with to this extent; it doesn't take a red-blooded Texas Mal like my two to extract a few pounds of flesh.
And where are the vocalizations?? There should be a veritable cadenza of howls, growls, yowls, yelps, arpeggios, scales and other vocal exercises expressing this little fella's opinions. Clear evidence that the technology has yet to develop the distinctive Northern breed voice -- or perhaps the inventors felt that non-howling roboMals would be less annoying? Hah! Nothing is cuter than
Perhaps this animatronic is from the same factory as ... ? EZKareMalsRUs?
Re: Michael writes:
This sure looks like a malamute to me, but can anyone please confirm?
BEWARE! Cute puppy video behind link.
Prey Drive can be very sad - NOT
Mike describes perfectly:
>That's the way Jason caught grackles and a friend's dog caught a crow.
They lay with their heads down until the birds got used to them and flew
too close.
This is exactly the late, great Guerillera Alexandria's infallible hunting method, only she was VERY good at it. She would simple turn herself invisible. Her prey would wander about all relaxed and oblivious to the lethal huntress lying in wait, until suddenly 60-some pounds of fur and teeth would rematerialize RIGHT THERE in their midst and it was goodnight, Irene. She was pulling down 30-lb possums and huge, nasty grackles up til her death in August, 2007.
Allie was my first Mal, and a revelation. I've always been a complete wuss and gone into hysterics when a cat would barf up cricket parts or present me with a mouse. I could never watch a nature program on TV. When Allie first started hauling home the prey - and I have no idea where she found all the wildlife in our essentially urban backyard - and leaving corpses exactly where I would be sure to step on them, I had the requisite hissy, and the first time she killed a cat, I seriously freaked out and called Lynn at Texas Alaskan Malamute Rescue, sobbing and asking what sort of monster I'd adopted. But when Lynn offered the option to return Allie, of course my answer was no. I read up some more about Mallies and learned to respect the predator. I can now watch a lion pride hunt and admire their technique, and their role in thinning the herd. I took Sascha (Rhodie x) lure coursing and enjoyed the overt hunting patterns of the runs.
I will never be happy about the death of a cat, and still despise human hunts (unless mano a mano, fair is fair), but I see nothing whatever sad about the prey drive of our great, great-hearted, fantastic creatures who helped the first Americans cross over Beringia and the Mahlemuts survive in the hostile Arctic. Dammit, without a very lively prey drive, our superb companions would never have survived these thousands of years, and would not be who they are. The miracle is the patient breeding of the cuddly, human-friendly temperament into the mighty hunt(ress). If breeders try to get rid of the prey drive, shame on them!
I have learned to treasure, honor and respect nature red in tooth and claw -- it's not a Disney movie, predators play an essential role, and in many ecosystems, we have seen the havoc that ensues when the big predators are wiped out. We are privileged to share our homes and hearts with these special creatures, not stuffed animals or frou-frou dogs. I treasure that.
Missing Allie every day
>That's the way Jason caught grackles and a friend's dog caught a crow.
They lay with their heads down until the birds got used to them and flew
too close.
This is exactly the late, great Guerillera Alexandria's infallible hunting method, only she was VERY good at it. She would simple turn herself invisible. Her prey would wander about all relaxed and oblivious to the lethal huntress lying in wait, until suddenly 60-some pounds of fur and teeth would rematerialize RIGHT THERE in their midst and it was goodnight, Irene. She was pulling down 30-lb possums and huge, nasty grackles up til her death in August, 2007.
Allie was my first Mal, and a revelation. I've always been a complete wuss and gone into hysterics when a cat would barf up cricket parts or present me with a mouse. I could never watch a nature program on TV. When Allie first started hauling home the prey - and I have no idea where she found all the wildlife in our essentially urban backyard - and leaving corpses exactly where I would be sure to step on them, I had the requisite hissy, and the first time she killed a cat, I seriously freaked out and called Lynn at Texas Alaskan Malamute Rescue, sobbing and asking what sort of monster I'd adopted. But when Lynn offered the option to return Allie, of course my answer was no. I read up some more about Mallies and learned to respect the predator. I can now watch a lion pride hunt and admire their technique, and their role in thinning the herd. I took Sascha (Rhodie x) lure coursing and enjoyed the overt hunting patterns of the runs.
I will never be happy about the death of a cat, and still despise human hunts (unless mano a mano, fair is fair), but I see nothing whatever sad about the prey drive of our great, great-hearted, fantastic creatures who helped the first Americans cross over Beringia and the Mahlemuts survive in the hostile Arctic. Dammit, without a very lively prey drive, our superb companions would never have survived these thousands of years, and would not be who they are. The miracle is the patient breeding of the cuddly, human-friendly temperament into the mighty hunt(ress). If breeders try to get rid of the prey drive, shame on them!
I have learned to treasure, honor and respect nature red in tooth and claw -- it's not a Disney movie, predators play an essential role, and in many ecosystems, we have seen the havoc that ensues when the big predators are wiped out. We are privileged to share our homes and hearts with these special creatures, not stuffed animals or frou-frou dogs. I treasure that.
Missing Allie every day
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Re: Ziva's first night home
Dearest Mistress Ziva,
you are doing well, not to put up with any guff from your male companion.
As for your query regarding the big white box in the kitchen, tut tut, my child, a lady does not concern herself with mundane items of machinery.
Instead, you should be perfecting your Human Manipulation Skills. How is your Tilt of the Head with Big Brown Eyes and Subliminal Whimper? If your Humom is not reduced to quivering tears and automatic Food Dispensing mode, my dear, you must practice, practice, practice! In addition, the fine art of hypnotism requires a certain study of the human psychology. You will achieve your goal at some point by simply sitting and staring at your huperson, but how much more quickly and effectively if you place your chin on our paws and sigh heartrendingly?
Your Malamute ancestors have evolved these survival skills over the millennia, and it is the obligation and sacred duty of each and every one of us to refine and perfect them and pass them on in turn to the next generations. Therefore I will share with you a modern-day skill learned from the late, great Guerillera Alexandria which she in turn observed one of our feline housemates performing. Dear Ziva, if you find yourself alone in the house with no huperson to hypnotize, and you're feeling a trifle peckish, you might just sidle over to the aforementioned white box. Inserting a delicate and well-manicured white paw beneath one of the doors, and gazing thoughtfully off into the distance, you might just exert a bit of traction on the door. It should open quite easily. The cheese is usually within convenient reach.
I would not recommend doing this too often, as your humom (like ours) may become fed up and purchase a fridge with the freezer on the bottom -- this is not nearly as easily opened.
Looking forward to many reports of a congenial and edifying nature,
Yours in sisterhood,
Miss Congeniality
Austin, Texas
Subject: Fw: Re: Ziva's first night home
Woo-Woo Pvt Travvy.
I know i'd like you to come visit too! but the boat trip is scary i was in the car for a long long time! but my new Hu-Mom gave me loads of cuddles i thought it was strange that my sister Blanca wasn't going to the woods too when i got into the car. my new brother is a bit strange he thought he was boss, don't know who gave him that idea i put him right about 5 minutes after i met him.. There is one thing thats puzzling me though how to you get into the big white box in the kitchen where Hu-Mon puts the yummy scrummy left overs?
you are doing well, not to put up with any guff from your male companion.
As for your query regarding the big white box in the kitchen, tut tut, my child, a lady does not concern herself with mundane items of machinery.
Instead, you should be perfecting your Human Manipulation Skills. How is your Tilt of the Head with Big Brown Eyes and Subliminal Whimper? If your Humom is not reduced to quivering tears and automatic Food Dispensing mode, my dear, you must practice, practice, practice! In addition, the fine art of hypnotism requires a certain study of the human psychology. You will achieve your goal at some point by simply sitting and staring at your huperson, but how much more quickly and effectively if you place your chin on our paws and sigh heartrendingly?
Your Malamute ancestors have evolved these survival skills over the millennia, and it is the obligation and sacred duty of each and every one of us to refine and perfect them and pass them on in turn to the next generations. Therefore I will share with you a modern-day skill learned from the late, great Guerillera Alexandria which she in turn observed one of our feline housemates performing. Dear Ziva, if you find yourself alone in the house with no huperson to hypnotize, and you're feeling a trifle peckish, you might just sidle over to the aforementioned white box. Inserting a delicate and well-manicured white paw beneath one of the doors, and gazing thoughtfully off into the distance, you might just exert a bit of traction on the door. It should open quite easily. The cheese is usually within convenient reach.
I would not recommend doing this too often, as your humom (like ours) may become fed up and purchase a fridge with the freezer on the bottom -- this is not nearly as easily opened.
Looking forward to many reports of a congenial and edifying nature,
Yours in sisterhood,
Miss Congeniality
Austin, Texas
Subject: Fw: Re: Ziva's first night home
Woo-Woo Pvt Travvy.
I know i'd like you to come visit too! but the boat trip is scary i was in the car for a long long time! but my new Hu-Mom gave me loads of cuddles i thought it was strange that my sister Blanca wasn't going to the woods too when i got into the car. my new brother is a bit strange he thought he was boss, don't know who gave him that idea i put him right about 5 minutes after i met him.. There is one thing thats puzzling me though how to you get into the big white box in the kitchen where Hu-Mon puts the yummy scrummy left overs?
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Tragic reminder: NEVER leave dogs in cars/vans!
These over-100 degree days are hard on pets and, apparently, rational functioning in humans. Much in the news: The horrifying deaths of 7 dogs, including a Mallie and an Akita, at the hands of their brain-dead handler, who figured they'd be cooler in the van (off, no A/C going) than, say, in her house, at a motel, at the all-night vet, or on her lawn outdoors. No, she just left them in the van. Door and windows open -- on other people's priceless showdogs?? getting them stolen was preferable to just taking them inside?? 6 fans -- powered by what?? then why not the A/C?? She says she noticed unresponsiveness at 6:30; at the lightning speed of 2.5-3 hours later, she contacted the vet. All very wonky.
The AKC is exhibiting its usual integrity, backbone and decisive advocacy for dogs by waffling, excusing, and neglecting to take the obvious stand of unequivocally condemning the practice of boiling your dogs. Hello, AKC, bar this handler immediately, let the burden of proof be on her that she is worthy of the trust of any dog owner. She shouldn't be allowed to touch another animal until/unless fully cleared.
Please, everyone, I know that WE take this ghastly heat very seriously and would never leave our precious Mallies in our vehicles for a second. (and not only because, if they are like my Ghost, they would eat the upholstery ;-)). This is a good reminder to emulate our Mals and not be shy about raising he!! should we ever notice a pet or person (usually infant) left in a vehicle -- in Austin, call 311 or, if the being seems in distress, 911, and EMS or the police will come out immediately. If the driver comes back and yells at you, so be it -- they have broken the LAW and endangered a life, and you may well have prevented another tragedy like in Missouri.
Run free over the Bridge in the deep cool snow, beautiful Mal. You didn't deserve this death.
Enough from me! Stay cool, friends & Mallies
Connie & the Malefactors
The AKC is exhibiting its usual integrity, backbone and decisive advocacy for dogs by waffling, excusing, and neglecting to take the obvious stand of unequivocally condemning the practice of boiling your dogs. Hello, AKC, bar this handler immediately, let the burden of proof be on her that she is worthy of the trust of any dog owner. She shouldn't be allowed to touch another animal until/unless fully cleared.
Please, everyone, I know that WE take this ghastly heat very seriously and would never leave our precious Mallies in our vehicles for a second. (and not only because, if they are like my Ghost, they would eat the upholstery ;-)). This is a good reminder to emulate our Mals and not be shy about raising he!! should we ever notice a pet or person (usually infant) left in a vehicle -- in Austin, call 311 or, if the being seems in distress, 911, and EMS or the police will come out immediately. If the driver comes back and yells at you, so be it -- they have broken the LAW and endangered a life, and you may well have prevented another tragedy like in Missouri.
Run free over the Bridge in the deep cool snow, beautiful Mal. You didn't deserve this death.
Enough from me! Stay cool, friends & Mallies
Connie & the Malefactors
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Ain't Miss-Behavin'?
I'm relating this tale of the wildly mis-named Miss Congeniality (Missy's) adventures in grooming today because there's no way I'm letting her near the keyboard. Herself may look like an Angelic Creampuff but she cusses like a stevedore -- the laptop would go up in flames.
So we finally had several days of rain here in central Texas -- after weeks and weeks of cracklin' drought. Missy and The Magnificent Ghost took the opportunity to dig some nice, deep mudholes and waller around in there gettin' good and filthy. Since Missy sleeps in my room, she has made it her mission to transfer as much crunchy, itchy, crumby dirt to my bed as is possible, preferably right after I've changed the sheets. Boy, that Texas dirt can be persistent. Miss Thing can pick up a good load with each paw and snuggle it right into the sheets in a matter of seconds, with her very best Sweet Gorgeous Darling expression on.
She is also shedding. With Missy, shedding means that the human hand need only hover within 10 inches of her lovely coat and Whooosh! it is instantly covered with a thick fuzz of undercoat, while a gentle cumulus cloud of unattached underfluff floats in the intervening space and disperses throughout the house or car. Caressing or kissing Missy is undertaken with the foreknowledge that one will need to be scraped down or vacuumed afterward to reveal the human beneath.
Since the Magnificent Ghost is also shedding his short, Gund-toy-type coat in projectile spurts, it was clearly time to take the creatures to the groomer. So the Malamutes had their dates with their favorite groomer, Mandy, at the Petsmart today. Ghost was his usual nervous wreck self, yodeling like a banshee every time someone entered the back. However, he thoroughly enjoyed his desperately needed brushing, bath and blow-dry and allowed his claws to be clipped like a little trouper.
Miss Congeniality had to be line-brushed, of course, and behaved like the alpha bee-atch she is, bossing everyone around and keeping up a running commentary in her bass-baritone voice. She is not shy about expressing her opinions about the other dogs (matching white mini poodles with red ribbons! I ask you!) or about having the Sam-I-Am tufts on her paw pads clipped (not a fan, esp. on the hind feet). Her vocabulary is broad and on the blue side, and she is quite the imperious Boss Lady.
When I came to pick up the Malefactors, Ms Mandy was quite a bit worse for wear, and the whole space was filled with floating clouds of underfluff. Rather like my house. Seeing the sparkling, shiny, gorgeous creatures that came out with plumes wagging furiously, dark brown eyes snapping and voices ringing to the heavens, one would never imagine that these Precious Angels could cause such utter devastation ...
So much for my lovelies until the next rain!
Ever grateful for groomers who love their jobs and actually enjoy working with Mallies!!
So we finally had several days of rain here in central Texas -- after weeks and weeks of cracklin' drought. Missy and The Magnificent Ghost took the opportunity to dig some nice, deep mudholes and waller around in there gettin' good and filthy. Since Missy sleeps in my room, she has made it her mission to transfer as much crunchy, itchy, crumby dirt to my bed as is possible, preferably right after I've changed the sheets. Boy, that Texas dirt can be persistent. Miss Thing can pick up a good load with each paw and snuggle it right into the sheets in a matter of seconds, with her very best Sweet Gorgeous Darling expression on.
She is also shedding. With Missy, shedding means that the human hand need only hover within 10 inches of her lovely coat and Whooosh! it is instantly covered with a thick fuzz of undercoat, while a gentle cumulus cloud of unattached underfluff floats in the intervening space and disperses throughout the house or car. Caressing or kissing Missy is undertaken with the foreknowledge that one will need to be scraped down or vacuumed afterward to reveal the human beneath.
Since the Magnificent Ghost is also shedding his short, Gund-toy-type coat in projectile spurts, it was clearly time to take the creatures to the groomer. So the Malamutes had their dates with their favorite groomer, Mandy, at the Petsmart today. Ghost was his usual nervous wreck self, yodeling like a banshee every time someone entered the back. However, he thoroughly enjoyed his desperately needed brushing, bath and blow-dry and allowed his claws to be clipped like a little trouper.
Miss Congeniality had to be line-brushed, of course, and behaved like the alpha bee-atch she is, bossing everyone around and keeping up a running commentary in her bass-baritone voice. She is not shy about expressing her opinions about the other dogs (matching white mini poodles with red ribbons! I ask you!) or about having the Sam-I-Am tufts on her paw pads clipped (not a fan, esp. on the hind feet). Her vocabulary is broad and on the blue side, and she is quite the imperious Boss Lady.
When I came to pick up the Malefactors, Ms Mandy was quite a bit worse for wear, and the whole space was filled with floating clouds of underfluff. Rather like my house. Seeing the sparkling, shiny, gorgeous creatures that came out with plumes wagging furiously, dark brown eyes snapping and voices ringing to the heavens, one would never imagine that these Precious Angels could cause such utter devastation ...
So much for my lovelies until the next rain!
Ever grateful for groomers who love their jobs and actually enjoy working with Mallies!!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Calling all Mals! Mighty Texas Dog Walk '09
Calling all Mals!
It's that time of year again -- this year's Mighty Texas Dog Walk is April 11 in beautiful downtown Austin!
All profits go to the Texas Hearing and Service Dogs, a wonderful organisation that trains shelter dogs to assist people with a wide variety of disabilities.
The walk is only 3 miles long, and the "purpose" is to bring the Guinness World Record back to Texas – Beat the Brits! Current record: 10,272 dogs.
The t-shirt designed by Mauro Garza is always gorgeous, a collector's item. This year, the walk will not be competing with other events downtown, and it will have 6 water stops with wading pools, etc.
Info and on-line registration (save $5)
It's always awesome when a bunch of Mallies walk together!! It's one dog per walker, but if extra walkers can be found, it's very cool to walk Mallies that are up for adoption ... The walk is earlier this year, for extra coolth -- a good thing for Mallies -- as are the wading pools!
Hope to see lots of happy Mallies there! I have a huge driveway that anyone with an RV is welcome to use....
It's that time of year again -- this year's Mighty Texas Dog Walk is April 11 in beautiful downtown Austin!
All profits go to the Texas Hearing and Service Dogs, a wonderful organisation that trains shelter dogs to assist people with a wide variety of disabilities.
The walk is only 3 miles long, and the "purpose" is to bring the Guinness World Record back to Texas – Beat the Brits! Current record: 10,272 dogs.
The t-shirt designed by Mauro Garza is always gorgeous, a collector's item. This year, the walk will not be competing with other events downtown, and it will have 6 water stops with wading pools, etc.
Info and on-line registration (save $5)
It's always awesome when a bunch of Mallies walk together!! It's one dog per walker, but if extra walkers can be found, it's very cool to walk Mallies that are up for adoption ... The walk is earlier this year, for extra coolth -- a good thing for Mallies -- as are the wading pools!
Hope to see lots of happy Mallies there! I have a huge driveway that anyone with an RV is welcome to use....
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Milk-Bone features sled dog

Have you seen the new "cover dog" on the Milkbone Bakery Bites Bacon Chip n Cheese flavor cookies? The packaging used to have a cartoon doggie on it, but now there's a mighty handsome sled dog with lovely dark brown eyes!!
Nice to see a happy snow-dog puppy exploited for commercial purposes ... It hasn't quite succeeded in subliminally talking me into buying the treats, but it does make me smile!
Btw, the Milk-Bone site prominently announces that none of its branded products are involved in the salmonella peanut recall -- for the simple reason that even their peanut-butter-flavored treats contain no actual peanuts ... That's nice, but we're not taking any chances -- have thrown out all our peanut-butter treats and don't intend to buy any in the foreseeable future! Yikes!
Good thing the doggies prefer jerky treats anyway ... and the cats prefer fish ...
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