These over-100 degree days are hard on pets and, apparently, rational functioning in humans. Much in the news: The horrifying deaths of 7 dogs, including a Mallie and an Akita, at the hands of their brain-dead handler, who figured they'd be cooler in the van (off, no A/C going) than, say, in her house, at a motel, at the all-night vet, or on her lawn outdoors. No, she just left them in the van. Door and windows open -- on other people's priceless showdogs?? getting them stolen was preferable to just taking them inside?? 6 fans -- powered by what?? then why not the A/C?? She says she noticed unresponsiveness at 6:30; at the lightning speed of 2.5-3 hours later, she contacted the vet. All very wonky.
The AKC is exhibiting its usual integrity, backbone and decisive advocacy for dogs by waffling, excusing, and neglecting to take the obvious stand of unequivocally condemning the practice of boiling your dogs. Hello, AKC, bar this handler immediately, let the burden of proof be on her that she is worthy of the trust of any dog owner. She shouldn't be allowed to touch another animal until/unless fully cleared.
Please, everyone, I know that WE take this ghastly heat very seriously and would never leave our precious Mallies in our vehicles for a second. (and not only because, if they are like my Ghost, they would eat the upholstery ;-)). This is a good reminder to emulate our Mals and not be shy about raising he!! should we ever notice a pet or person (usually infant) left in a vehicle -- in Austin, call 311 or, if the being seems in distress, 911, and EMS or the police will come out immediately. If the driver comes back and yells at you, so be it -- they have broken the LAW and endangered a life, and you may well have prevented another tragedy like in Missouri.
Run free over the Bridge in the deep cool snow, beautiful Mal. You didn't deserve this death.
Enough from me! Stay cool, friends & Mallies
Connie & the Malefactors