Hey, Malbuddies, today is the last day to cast your vote for my
gorgeous Miss Congeniality! Remember, the prize is a Bissell pet
hair eraser ... Missy was owner-surrendered because of her excessive
shedding ... you do the math ;-) !!!
Speaking of which, I took Missy to Petsmart for a desperately needed
grooming on Sunday. (I have several blown discs plus currently a
lovely case of the flu, and know when to cry Uncle!). We were half
an hour late for the appt because of her walk of fame from the car to
the back of the store. What a total ham! Batting her big brown eyes
at every child in the place, who all threw themselves on her. 2 had
their pictures taken with her, I kid you not -- this is with a dog
who is ejecting large clouds and clumps of undercoat every time she
moves. Of course the "aww, adorable" reflex is triggered in every
adult in the place, too -- esp. those wearing black pants. Corinne,
you are obviously right -- this gal was a show dog at some point.
Here she is, stacking herself in the middle of Petsmart like there's
no tomorrow, surrounded by gently floating drifts of fluff and
adoring throngs with camera phones. It's ridiculous ;-).
When I come to pick her up, the grooming gals are rolling on the
floor laughing. Missy talked the entire time she was there -- and
she has a nice basso profundo voice. Her average "woo" sounds like a
ravening grizzly bear offering to take your arm off at the shoulder.
When she really wants something, windows rattle. Apparently there
was a handsome Sibe boy there, with glacial blue eyes -- Missy and he
made googly eyes at each other the whole time and kept the place in
Of course Missy makes sure to say hi to everyone in the store on the
way back to the car, flashing eyes right and left, prancing high,
plumy tail all fluffed out and waving -- she's a sight to behold.
When we get home, she pops out of the car, trailing behind her -- you
guessed it -- clouds and clumps of undercoat. >sigh< Maybe I can get
her used to the idea of being Shop-Vacced, like the late, great Allie did.
Best to all Malafluffers